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London 17th century tokens

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Ratcliff Highway, Charles Yeo 1663 / Louth, William Hardy

Ratcliff Highway, Charles Yeo 1663 / Louth, William Hardy

Obv: [WILL]IAM:H[ARDY:] , around linear inner circle, shield containing Mercer's Arms. Rev: [OF.LOVTH].MERCER. , around linear inner circle, WM with...

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Ratcliff Highway, Jeames West farthing token

Ratcliff Highway, Jeames West farthing token

Obv: (mullet) IEAMES (lozenge) WEST , around cable inner circle, a pair of bellows. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)RATLIF(lozenge)HIEWAY , around cable...


Redcross Street, Aron Edwards 1669 halfpenny

Redcross Street, Aron Edwards 1669 halfpenny

Obv: ARON.EDWARDS.IN.REDCROS.STRET , around cable inner circle, AT.YE.BAL and a ball suspended. Rev: OVER.AGAINST.IEWIN.STREET.END , around cable...


Redcross Street, Oliver Wallis 1667 farthing

Redcross Street, Oliver Wallis 1667 farthing

Obv: (mullet)OLIVER.WALLIS.IN: , around dog eating from pot. Rev: (mullet)RED.CROSS.STREET , around cable inner circle, .W. over O.I with 1667 below....


Redcross Street, Tho Whitle 1657 farthing

Redcross Street, Tho Whitle 1657 farthing

Obv: Legend beginning at 9 o'clock. (mullet)RED+STREETE.1657 , THO. WHIT LE. in three lines. Rev: Legend beginning at 6 o'clock....


Redmead Lane, Mathew Davis farthing

Redmead Lane, Mathew Davis farthing

Obv: (cinquefoil)IN.REDMAID.LANE , around beaded inner circle, MA THEW DAVIS in three lines. Rev: (cinquefoil)NERE.THE.HERMITAG , around beaded inner...


Rosemary Lane, John Bayle AT THE 7 STARS halfpenny

Rosemary Lane, John Bayle AT THE 7 STARS halfpenny

Obv: (cinquefoil)IOHN.BAYLE.AT.THE.7 , around beaded inner circle, HIS HALF PENY in three lines. Rev: (cinquefoil)STARS.IN.ROSMARY.LANE , around...


Round Court, Will Launder reverse brockage halfpenny

Round Court, Will Launder reverse brockage halfpenny

Obv: Mirror image of reverse. Rev: (mullet)COVRT(lozenge)IN(lozenge)YE(lozenge)STRAND , around (lozenge)L(lozenge) over W(lozenge)F . M Dickinson...


Saffron Hill, William Orchard 1660 farthing

Saffron Hill, William Orchard 1660 farthing

Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM(lozenge)ORCHARD , around a harp. Rev: (mullet)SAFRON(lozenge)HILL(lozenge)166o. , around cable inner circle, (lozenge)O(lozenge)...


St. Benet's Hill, Mathew Tunstale penny

St. Benet's Hill, Mathew Tunstale penny

Obv: (rosette)MATHEW.TVNSTALE.AT.THE , around beaded inner circle, a harrow. Rev: (rosette)HARROW.ONE.ST.BENNETS.HIL , around beaded inner circle, 1D...


St. Clements (Strand), I P (A) THE CASTEL TAVERN farthing

St. Clements (Strand), I P (A) THE CASTEL TAVERN farthing

Obv: (mullet)THE.CASTEL.TAVERN.IN , around castle. Rev: (mullet)S.CLEMENT.CHVRCH.YARD , around cable inner circle, .P. over I.A within. M. Dickinson...


St. Giles in the Fields, Walt Bigg AT THE BEL farthing

St. Giles in the Fields, Walt Bigg AT THE BEL farthing

Obv: (mullet)WALT.BIG.AT.THE.BEL.IN , around cable inner circle, a bell. Rev: (mullet)GYLESES.IN. THE FEILDES , around cable inner circle, a bell. M...

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St. Giles in the Fields, Will Collines halfpenny

St. Giles in the Fields, Will Collines halfpenny

Obv: (lozenge?)WLL.COLLINES.BREWER , around shield containing arms; griffin segreant, on a canton, a fleur-de-lis. Rev:...


St. James's Market, Thomas Jennings farthing token

St. James's Market, Thomas Jennings farthing token

Obv: (mullet) THOMAS(lozenge)IENNINGS(lozenge)IN , around man making candles. Rev: (mullet)WESTMIN(lozenge)OR(lozenge)MAR(lozenge)LANE , around cable...


St. James's Market, Thomas Jenngs farthing token

St. James's Market, Thomas Jenngs farthing token

Obv: (mullet) THOMAS(lozenge)IENNGS(lozenge)IN , around man making candles. Rev: (mullet)WESTMIN(lozenge)OR(lozenge)MAR(lozenge)LANE , around cable...


St. James's Market Place, Mark Lawn 1667 halfpenny

St. James's Market Place, Mark Lawn 1667 halfpenny

Obv: Mark Lawn fishmonger, in script, in three lines with 16 1/2 67 below. Rev: IN.ST.IAMES.MARKET.PLACE , , around beaded inner circle, a plough. M...


St. Katharine's, Robert Aske farthing N8384

St. Katharine's, Robert Aske farthing N8384

Obv: (mullet) ROBERT.ASKE.IN , around cable inner circle, crown. Rev: (mullet).S.KATHERNS.SALTER , around cable inner circle, r(rosette)A . Ex R. H....


St. Katharine's, William Butler farthing N8388

St. Katharine's, William Butler farthing N8388

Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM(lozenge)BVTLER(lozenge)IN(lozenge)S(lozenge) , around cable inner circle, two sugar loaves. Rev:...


St. Katharine's Wharf, Thomas Hock Well farthing

St. Katharine's Wharf, Thomas Hock Well farthing

Obv: (mullet)THOMAS.HOCK(lozenge)WELL , around horse and cart. Rev: (mullet)IN.S.KAT.TERENS.DOCK , around cable inner circle, (lozenge)H(lozenge)...


St. Katharine's, R I (D) THE 3 TOBACOO PIPES

St. Katharine's, R I (D) THE 3 TOBACOO PIPES

Obv: (mullet)THE(lozenge)3(lozenge)TOBACCO(lozenge)PIPES , around three tobacco pipes. Apears to read TOBACOO due to small die crack or the second C...


St. Katharine's, Thomas Lacy 1669 halfpenny

St. Katharine's, Thomas Lacy 1669 halfpenny

Obv: (sexfoil)THOMAS.LACY.1669 , around beaded inner circle, St. George and the dragon. Rev: (sexfoil)IN.ST.KATHERENS , around beaded inner circle,...


St. Martin's Lane, John Robottom 1667 halfpenny

St. Martin's Lane, John Robottom 1667 halfpenny

Obv: (sexfoil)IOHN.ROBOTTOM.AT.YE.FLEESE , around beaded inner circle, hanging fleece, Rev: (sexfoil)TAVERN.IN.ST.MARTINS.LANE , around beaded inner...

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St Martin's Lane, Amy Sutton farthing

St Martin's Lane, Amy Sutton farthing

Obv: .AMY.SVTTON.IN. , around shepherd and his dog. Rev: (cinquefoil)ST.MARTINS.LANE , around twisted wire inner circle, A.S with a (lozenge) above...


St. Mary at Hill, Edmond Lawrence farthing

St. Mary at Hill, Edmond Lawrence farthing

Obv: (cinquefoil)EDMOND.LAWRENCE , around shield containing Fishmonger's Arms. Rev: (cinquefoil)ON.ST..MARYS.HILL , around beaded inner circle, .L....


St Nicholas Shambles, P B (M) AT THE FLYING HORSE farthing

St Nicholas Shambles, P B (M) AT THE FLYING HORSE farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)FLYING(lozenge)HORSE(lozenge)IN , around a flying horse. Rev: (mullet)(lozenge)S(lozenge)NICKLES(lozenge)SHAMBLES...


St Nicholas Shambles, A C (E) AT THE RED LYON farthing

St Nicholas Shambles, A C (E) AT THE RED LYON farthing

Obv: Legends starts at 3 o'clock. (lozenge)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)RED(lozenge)LYON(lozenge)IN(lozenge)S , around lion rampant. Rev:...

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St Nicholas Shambles, L D (I) AT THE HARROW farthing

St Nicholas Shambles, L D (I) AT THE HARROW farthing

Obv: (lozenge)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)HARROW(lozenge)BEHIND , around a harrow. Rev: (mullet)S(lozenge)NICKLES(lozenge)SHAMBLES , around...


St Nicholas Shambles, Joseph Larke farthing token

St Nicholas Shambles, Joseph Larke farthing token

Obv: (cinquefoil)IOSEPH.LARKE:(rosette). , around beaded inner circle, shield containing Grocer's Arms. Rev: (cinquefoil)BACKSIDE.SHAMBLS , around...


St Nicholas Shambles, I M (S) AT THE BUTCHER'S ARMES farthing

St Nicholas Shambles, I M (S) AT THE BUTCHER'S ARMES farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)BVTCHERS(lozenge)ARMES , around cable inner circle, shield containing Butcher's Arms. Rev:...


St Nicholas Shambles, E S (A) THE TALLOW CAHANDLER farthing

St Nicholas Shambles, E S (A) THE TALLOW CAHANDLER farthing

Obv: (mullet)THE(lozenge)TALLOW(lozenge)CAHANDLER , around cable inner circle, man making candles. Rev:...

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St Nicholas Shambles, Ioh Tadpole 1656 farthing

St Nicholas Shambles, Ioh Tadpole 1656 farthing

Obv: (mullet)IOH.TADPOLE.HABERDR , around cable inner circle, 1656 with (mullet) above and below. Rev (mullet)BEHIND.YE.SHAMBLES , around cable inner...


St. Swithin's Lane, Samwell Clarke farthing

St. Swithin's Lane, Samwell Clarke farthing

Obv: (mullet)SAMWELL(lozenge)CLARKE , around cable inner circle, S(lozenge)C . Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)S(lozenge)WETHINS(lozenge)LANE , around cable...

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Strand near the Savoy Gate, William Hayter halfpenny

Strand near the Savoy Gate, William Hayter halfpenny

Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM.HAYTER.AT.THE , around cable inner circle, a goat. Rev: (mullet)NEARE.THE.SAVOY.GATE.STRAND , around cable inner circle, HIS...


Sentry Gate, Thomas Fountayne farthing

Sentry Gate, Thomas Fountayne farthing

Obv: Legend beginning at 6 o'clock; THOMAS.FOVNTAYNE: , around cable inner circle, fountain. Rev: INGREATSENTRY: , around cable inner circle, T F . M...


Shoe Lane, Richard Love AT THE PLOW farthing

Shoe Lane, Richard Love AT THE PLOW farthing

Obv: (mullet)RICHARD(lozenge)LOVE(lozenge)AT(lozenge)THE , around a plough. Rev: (mullet)PLOW(lozenge)IN(lozenge)SHOOE(lozenge)LANE , around cable...


Shoe Lane, John Payne 1669 halfpenny

Shoe Lane, John Payne 1669 halfpenny

Obv: (sexfoil)IOHN.PAYNE.in.1669 , around beaded inner circle; HIS HALFE PENNY in three lines. Rev: (sexfoil)SHOOE.LANE.MEALEMAN , around beaded...


Shoe Lane, Nicholes Rowe 1669 farthing

Shoe Lane, Nicholes Rowe 1669 farthing

Obv: (sexfoil)NICHOLES(rosette)ROWE(rosette)(rosette) , around beaded inner circle, a lion rampant. Rev:...


Shoe Lane, Benjohnson Head 1672 penny

Shoe Lane, Benjohnson Head 1672 penny

Obv: (rosette).BENIOHNSON.HEAD.IN , around beaded inner circle, 1672 in script with (rosette)(rosette)(rosette) above and below. Rev:...


Shoreditch, John Crosley 1665 farthing

Shoreditch, John Crosley 1665 farthing

Obv: (mullet)IOHN.CROSLEY , around hare left. Rev: (mullet)INSHOREDITCH.1665 , around .C. over I.E with . below. Ex Q. Archer; ex R. H. Thompson. M...


Shoreditch Church, William Fellowes halfpenny token

Shoreditch Church, William Fellowes halfpenny token

Obv: (sexfoil)WILLIAM.FELLOWES.AT.THE , around beaded inner circle, a stag lodged. Rev: (sexfoil)AT.SHOREDITCH CHVRCH , around beaded inner circle,...


Shoreditch, Thomas Gateley 1664 farthing

Shoreditch, Thomas Gateley 1664 farthing

Obv: (mullet)THOMAS(rosette)GATELEY , around a chained bear. Rev: (mullet)IN(rosette)SHORDITCH(rosette)1664 , around cable inner circle,...

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Shoreditch, William Gillam halfpenny token

Shoreditch, William Gillam halfpenny token

Obv: (sexfoil)WILLIAM.GILLAM.AT.THE , around beaded inner circle, Jane Shore and Edward IV. Rev: (sexfoil)IEAN.SHORE.IN.SHORDICH , around beaded...

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Shoreditch, E H (E) AT THE CROS DAGERS 1656 farthing

Shoreditch, E H (E) AT THE CROS DAGERS 1656 farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)CROS(lozenge)DAGERS , around two daggers crossed. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)SHORDICH(lozenge)1656 , around cable...


Shoreditch, John Parson 1668 halfpenny

Shoreditch, John Parson 1668 halfpenny

Obv: (mullet)IOHN(rosette)PARSON , around beaded inner circle, HIS HALF PENY in three lines. Rev: (mullet)IN(rosette)SHOREDICH , around beaded inner...


Shoreditch, N S (L) AT THE CROWN 1656 farthing

Shoreditch, N S (L) AT THE CROWN 1656 farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)CROWN , around cable inner circle, a crown. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)SHORDICH(lozenge)1656 , around cable inner...


Shoreditch, P S AT THE OLD SWAN 1652 farthing

Shoreditch, P S AT THE OLD SWAN 1652 farthing

Obverse: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)OLD(lozenge)SWAN , around a chained swan. Reverse: (mullet)IN(lozenge)SHOREDICH(lozenge)1652 , around cable...


Shoreditch, John Trimnell 1657 farthing

Shoreditch, John Trimnell 1657 farthing

Obv: (mullet)IOHN:TRIMNELL , around linear inner circle, a stag. Rev: (mullet)IN:SHORDICH , around linear inner circle, (mullet)T(mullet) over II ....


Shoreditch, H W (M) THE HARTIECHOAKE 1656 farthing

Shoreditch, H W (M) THE HARTIECHOAKE 1656 farthing

Obv: (mullet)THE(lozenge)HARTIECHOAKE , around cable inner circle, a Jerusalem artichoke. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)SHORDITCH(lozenge)1656 , around...


Spitalfields, Ralph Wilkes coffee house halfpenny

Spitalfields, Ralph Wilkes coffee house halfpenny

Obv: (rosette)RALPH.WILKES.IN.(rosette). , around beaded inner circle, HIS HALFE PENY in three lines. Rev: (six-point-mullet)SPITTLE.FEILDS.AT.THE: ,...

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Spittlegate, T A (S) AT THE KINGS HEAD farthing

Spittlegate, T A (S) AT THE KINGS HEAD farthing

Obv: AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)KINGS(lozenge)HEAD , around bust of Charles I left. Rev: (mullet)TAVERN(lozenge)AT(lozenge)SPITTLEGATE , around cable...


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