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Obv: (sexfoil)ROBERT.BLACKALLER , around cable inner circle, shield containing Mercer's Arms within. Rev: (sexfoil)OF.ABINGDON.MERCER , around cable... |
Obv: (rosette)THO:HARTWELL.OF.ABINGDON , around beaded inner circle, a lion passant with 1/2 below. Rev: (rosette)THO:HARTWELL.OF.HIGHWORTH , around... |
Obv: (mullet)GEORGE(rosette)STANTON , around beaded inner circle, Mercer's Arms dividing S over G E . Rev: (mullet)OF(rosette)BLEWBERY(rosette)1670 ,... |
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Obv: (rosette)GEORGE(rosette)STANTON , around shield containing Mercer's Arms. Rev: (rosette)IN.BLEWBERY.1665 , around cable inner circle,... |
Obv: (mullet)IOHN . BARRETT , around man making candles. Rev: (mullet)IN.FARINGDON.1656 , around cable inner circle, .B. over I H within. M.... |
Obv: RICHARD FOWLER(rosette) OF.FARR: INGDON in four lines with .RF.A. below. Rev: HIS.HALFE PENNY in two lines, 16 69 divided by stays below. M.... |
Obv: (mullet)THOMAS.SHEPARD , around beaded inner circle, bell. Rev: (mullet)OF.FARRINGDON.68 , around beaded inner circle, (rosette)S(rosette) over... |
Obv: (mullet)EDWARD.STEVENS.IN , around cable inner circle, shield containing Grocer's Arms. Rev: (mullet)FARINGTON.1652 , around cable inner circle,... |
Obv: (mullet)THOMAS.HVMFREY.OF , around cable inner circle, Mercer's Arms. Rev: (mullet)HAGBORN(cinquefoil)IN(cinquefoil)BARKS , around cable inner... |
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Obv: (sun)IOHN(cinquefoil)HANSON(cinquefoil)IN(cinquefoil)(cinquefoil) , around cable inner circle, rose. Rev: (sun)HARWELL.BERKS.1666 , around cable... |
Obv: (mullet) IOHN (lozenge) BVTLER , around Tallow Chandler's Arms. Rev: (mullet) IN(lozenge)HVNGERFORD , around cable inner circle,... |
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Obv: (sexfoil)HENRY.KNIGHTON.OF.1666 , around beaded inner circle, crown. Rev: (sexfoil)LAAMBORNE.HIS.HALF.PENY , around beaded inner circle,... |
Obv: (mullet)THOMAS.MORRIS.IN , around cable inner circle, shield containing Grocer's Arms. Rev: (mullet)LONGWORTH.GROCER , around cable inner... |
Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM.BATTES. , around cable inner circle, shield containing Mercer's Arms. Rev: (mullet)OF.MAYDENHAD.1659 , around cable inner... |
Obv: (mullet)BOROVGH(lozenge)OF(lozenge)NEWBRY, around castle with three turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)COVNTYOF(lozenge)BERKS, around cable inner... |
Obv: (mullet)BOROVGH(lozenge)OF(lozenge)NEWBRY, around castle with three turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)COVNTY(lozenge)OF(lozenge)BERKS, around... |
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Obv: (mullet)BOROVGH(lozenge)OF(lozenge)NEWBRY, around castle with three turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)COVNTY(lozenge)OF(lozenge)BERKS, around... |
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Obv: (rosette)BOROVGHOFNEWBRY, around castle with four turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)COVNTY(lozenge)OF(lozenge)BERKS, around cable inner circle,... |
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Obv: (rosette)BOROVGHOFNEWBRY, around castle with four turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)COVNTY(lozenge)OF(lozenge)BERKS, around cable inner circle,... |
Obv: (rosette)BOROVGHOFNEWBRY, around castle with four turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN.COVNTY.OF.BERKS, around beaded inner circle, BN over 1657. Ex R. A.... |
Obv: (rosette)BOROVGH.OF.NEWBRY, around castle with four turrets. Rev: (rosette)IN.COVNTY.OF.BERKS, around beaded inner circle, B.N over 1657. M.... |
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Obv: (cinqufoil)BOROVGH.OF.NEWBRY, around castle with five turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)COVNTY(lozenge)OF(lozenge)BERKS, around cable inner... |
Obv: (mullet)BOROVGH.OF.NEWBRY, around castle with five turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN.COVNTY.OF.BERKS, around beaded inner circle, BN over 1657. Ex... |
Obv: (mullet)BOROVGH.OF.NEWBRY, around castle with five turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN.COVNTY.OF.BERKS, around beaded inner circle, BN over 1657. Ex R.... |
Obv: (mullet)BOROVGH.OF.NEWBRY, around castle with five turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN.COVNTY.OF.BERKS, around beaded inner circle, B.N over 1657. A really... |
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Obv: (mullet)BOROVGH(lozenge)OF(lozenge)NEWBERY, around castle with three turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)COVNTYOF(lozenge)BERKS, around cable inner... |
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Obv: (mullet)BOROVGH.OF.NEWBERY, around castle with three turrets. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)COVNTYOF(lozenge)BERKS, around cable inner circle,... |
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Obv: (mullet) FRANCIS.BROWN , around shield containing Baker's Arms. Rev: (mullet) IN.REDIN.BAKER , around twisted wire inner circle, .B. over F. K... |
Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM(lozenge)BVRLY , around hand holding glove. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)READING(lozenge)1655 , around cable inner circle,... |
Obv: (rosette)THOMAS.BYE.OF(rosette) , around beaded inner circle, a mill cramp. Rev: READING.MEALMAN , around beaded inner circle, B over T I... |
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Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM(lozenge)CHAMPE(lozenge) , around beaded inner circle, 1658 with (lozenge)(mullet)(lozenge) above and below. Rev:... |
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Obv: (cog)ALCE.GILL.WIDDOW , around shield containing Baker's Arms. Rev: (cog)IN.READING.1666 , around cable inner circle, AG with.(cog). above and... |
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Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM.LOVEGROVE , around cable inner circle, a roll of cloth. Rev: (mullet)IN.READING(rosette)1664(rosette) , around cable inner... |
Obv: (mullet) ROBERT(lozenge)SMART , around cable inner circle, bread? within. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)READING , around cable inner circle,... |
Obv: (mullet)ANTHONY.BOVLTER , around cable inner circle, shield containing Grocer's Arms. Rev: (mullet)IN.WALLINGFORD , around cable inner circle,... |
Obv: (lozenge)PHILIP.ELDRED.APOTHICARY , around shield containing Family Arms. Rev: (lozenge)OF.WALLINGFORD.59 , around (lozenge)E(lozenge) over PA... |
Obv: (cinquefoil)ION.GOODWIN.DRAPER , around cable inner circle, Family Arms. Rev: (cinquefoil)IN.WALLINGFORDE , around cable inner circle, I G with... |
Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM.POLHAMPTON , around beaded inner circle, three castles. Rev: (mullet)OF.WALLINGFORD.1668 , around beaded inner circle, HIS HALF... |
Obv: (mullet)THOMAS.RVSDEN , around three sugar-loaves. Rev: (mullet)IN.WALLINGFORDE , around beaded inner circle , (mullet)R(mullet) over TA . Ex... |
Obv: .THO.HVRDMAN.AT.THE , around cable inner circle, chained bear left. Rev: (rosette)BEARE.IN.WANTAGE , around cable inner circle, H over T I with... |
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Obv: .THO.HVRDMAN.AT.THE , around cable inner circle, chained bear left. Rev: (rosette)BEARE.IN.WANTAGE , around cable inner circle, H over T I with... |
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Obv: (mullet) EDWARD(lozenge)PENER , around cable inner circle, fleur-de-lis. Rev: (mullet)OF(lozenge)WANTAGE(lozenge) , around cable inner circle,... |
Obv: (rosette)RICHARD.STAMP , around cable inner circle , fleur-de-lis. Rev: (rosette)IN.WANTAGE.1669 , around cable inner circle , HIS HALF PENY in... |
Obv: (mullet)IOHN(rosette)Webb(rosette)IN(rosette)/(rosette) , around beaded inner circle, a lion passant. Rev: (mullet)WANTAGE(rosette)1667 , around... |
Obv: (mullet) THOMAS.ADAMES , around cable inner circle, .A. over T(rosette)I . Rev: (mullet) AT.WINDSOR.1652. , around Tallowchandler's Arms. At... |
Obv: (mullet)IOHN.FINCH.IN. , around cable inner circle, three birds. Rev: (mullet)NEW.WINDSOR... , around cable inner circle, .F. over I.F . M.... |
Obv: (mullet) IOHN.WYRON , around twisted wire inner circle, fish hook within. Rev: (mullet) IN.WINDSOR.1653 , around twisted wire inner circle, .W.... |
Obv: (mullet)SIMON.BANISTER.AT.THE , around St. George and dragon. Rev: (mullet)IN. OCKINGHAM(rosette)1668(rosette) , around beaded inner circle, HIS... |