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Southwark 17th century tokens

Product Image Item Name- Price
Borough High Street, I B (A) AT THE WHIT BULL HEAD 1648 farthing

Borough High Street, I B (A) AT THE WHIT BULL HEAD 1648 farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)WHIT(lozenge)BVLL(lozenge)HEAD , around bull's head. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)SOVTHWARKE(lozenge)1648 , around...


Borough High Street, James Brathwait halfpenny N4792

Borough High Street, James Brathwait halfpenny N4792

Obv: IAMES.BRATHWAIT.AT.THE , around cable inner circle, frying pan dividing initials I D with B above in the centre of the pan. Rev:...


Borough High Street, T C (C) AT THE COCKE farthing N4854

Borough High Street, T C (C) AT THE COCKE farthing N4854

Obv: (mullet) AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)COCKE(lozenge)IN , around game cock facing left. Rev: Beginning at 6 o'clock. (mullet)SOVTHWARKE(lozenge)GROCER...


Borough High Street, Tho Cokayne AT THE COCK DISTILLER halfpenny

Borough High Street, Tho Cokayne AT THE COCK DISTILLER halfpenny

Obv: (rosette)THO:COKAYNE.AT.THE.COCK , around beaded inner circle, cock facing left. Rev: (rosette)IN.SOVTHWARKE.DISTILLER , around beaded inner...


Borough High Street, Nathaniel Collyer 1651 farthing

Borough High Street, Nathaniel Collyer 1651 farthing

Obv: (mullet)NATHANIELL(lozenge)COLLYIER , around cable inner circle, shield containing Grocer's Arms. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)SOVTHWARK(lozenge)1651...


Borough High Street, George Corfeild 1666 halfpenny

Borough High Street, George Corfeild 1666 halfpenny

Obv: George. Corfeild.atye: Lyon&Lambe in.Soutwark , in script in four lines with C over .G(rosette)K. below. Rev: HIS.HALF.PENY.:. , curved above...


Borough High Street, John Fox 1657 farthing

Borough High Street, John Fox 1657 farthing

Obv: (mullet)IOHN.FOX.AT.THE.CRWN , around cable inner circle, a crown. Rev: (mullet)IN.SOVTHWARK.1657 , around cable inner circle, a fox. Ex Norweb...


Borough High Street, A G AT THE GREENE MAN 1651 farthing

Borough High Street, A G AT THE GREENE MAN 1651 farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)GREENE(lozenge)MAN , around a savage with club over his shoulder. Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)SOVTHWARKE(lozenge)1651...


Borough High Street, Hugh Handy 1666 halfpenny

Borough High Street, Hugh Handy 1666 halfpenny

Obv: (cinquefoil)HUGH.HANDY.CHEESMONGER , around cable inner circle, HIS HALFE PENNY in three lines with (rosette)(cinquefoil)(rosette) below. Rev:...


Borough High Street, Richard Hether 1664 farthing

Borough High Street, Richard Hether 1664 farthing

Obv: (mullet)RICHARD(rosette)HETHER(rosette) , around shield containing Salterer's Arms. Rev: (mullet)IN(rosette)SOVTHWARK.1664 , around cable inner...


Borough High Street, John Holloway farthing

Borough High Street, John Holloway farthing

Obv: (cinquefoil)IOHN.HOLLOWAY , around cable inner circle, a wheatsheaf. Rev: (cinquefoil)IN.SOVTHWAKE , around cable inner circle, I(cinquefoil)H...


Borough High Street, Edward Joye farthing

Borough High Street, Edward Joye farthing

Obv: (mullet)EDWARD(quadrilobe)IOYE(quadrilobe) , around linear inner circle. Royal Arms. Rev: (quadrilobe)IN.SOVTHWARKE: , around linear inner...


Borough High Street, Edward Lole 1666 halfpenny

Borough High Street, Edward Lole 1666 halfpenny

Obv: (cinquefoil)EDWARD.LOLE , around cable inner circle. HIS HALF PENY in three lines. Rev: (cinquefoil)IN.SOVTHWARKE.1666 , around cable inner...


Borough High Street, James Pitman 1655 farthing

Borough High Street, James Pitman 1655 farthing

Obv: (mullet)IAMES(lozenge)PITMAN(lozenge)IN , around cable inner circle, a beacon. Rev: (mullet)SOVTHWARKE(lozenge)1655 , around cable inner circle,...


Borough High Street, Richard Poore farthing

Borough High Street, Richard Poore farthing

Obv: RICHARD.POORE(rosette) , around cable inner circle, an ape on horseback. Rev: IN.SOVTHWARKE(rosette) , around cable inner circle, .P. over RE...


Borough High Street, Francis Prescott 1669 halfpenny N4832

Borough High Street, Francis Prescott 1669 halfpenny N4832

Obv: (lozenge)FRANCIS.PRESCOTT.AT.YE.IN , around beaded inner octagonal, a key. Rev: SOVTHW ORCKE.HIS HALFE (tulip)PENNY(tulip) 16 (tulip) 69 in five...


Borough High Street, Francis Prescott 1669 halfpenny N4833

Borough High Street, Francis Prescott 1669 halfpenny N4833

Obv: (lozenge)FRANCIS.PRESCOTT.AT.YE.IN , around beaded inner octagonal, a key. Rev: SOVTHW ORCKE.HIS HALFE (tulip)PENNY(tulip) 16 (tulip) 69 in five...

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Borough High Street, I R (I) AT THE CHECKER 1651 farthing

Borough High Street, I R (I) AT THE CHECKER 1651 farthing

Obv: (mullet) AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)CHECKER(lozenge)IN , around checkered square. Rev: (mullet) SOVTHWARKE(lozenge)1651 , around cable inner circle,...


Borough High Street, Thomas Stonsteele 1657 farthing

Borough High Street, Thomas Stonsteele 1657 farthing

Obv: (mullet)THOMAS(lozenge)STONSTEELE , around seven stars. Rev: (mullet)IN.SOVTHWARKE.57 , around three birds. Ex Norweb 4838, illustrated. M...


Borough High Street, Rob Thornton 1667 halfpenny

Borough High Street, Rob Thornton 1667 halfpenny

Obv: (mullet)ROB:THORNTON.HABERDASHER , around beaded inner circle, HIS HALFE PENNY in three lines with RT/. E below. Rev:...


Borough High Street, John Vaine 1658 farthing

Borough High Street, John Vaine 1658 farthing

Obv: (mullet)IOHN.VAINE.IN. , around beaded inner circle, lamb and lion facing each other. Rev: (mullet)SOVTHWARKE(lozenge)58 , around beaded inner...


Borough High Street, John Vaine 1658 farthing

Borough High Street, John Vaine 1658 farthing

Obv: (mullet)IOHN.VAINE.IN , around cable inner circle, lamb and lion. Rev: (mullet)SOVTHWARKE.58 , around cable inner circle, (lozenge)V(lozenge)...


Borough High Street, I W (H) AT THE DEATHES HEAD 1657 farthing

Borough High Street, I W (H) AT THE DEATHES HEAD 1657 farthing

Obv: (lozenge)AT.YEDEATHES.HEAD , around a human skull. Rev: (lozenge)INSOVTHWARKE.57 , around beaded inner circle, (lozenge)W(lozenge) over...


Bank End, Anthony Craven halfpenny

Bank End, Anthony Craven halfpenny

Obv: (sexfoil)ANTHONY.CRAVEN.AT.THE , around beaded inner circle, castle. Rev: (sexfoil)BABKE.END.IN.SOVTHWARKE , around beaded inner circle, HIS...


Bank End, Anthony Craven halfpenny token

Bank End, Anthony Craven halfpenny token

Obv: (sexfoil)ANTHONY.CRAVEN.AT.THE(mullet) , around beaded inner circle, a castle. Rev: (sexfoil)BANKE.END.IN.SOVTHWARKE , around beaded inner...


Bankside, Thomas Seabro farthing

Bankside, Thomas Seabro farthing

Obv: (cinquefoil)THOMAS(lozenge)SEABRO , around a unicorn standing. Rev: (cinquefoil)ON(lozenge)YE.BANK(lozenge)SIDE , around cable inner circle,...


Bankside, Thomas Seabro farthing

Bankside, Thomas Seabro farthing

Obv: (cinquefoil)THOMAS(lozenge)SEABRO , around a unicorn standing. Rev: (cinquefoil)ON(lozenge)YE.BANK(lozenge)SIDE , around cable inner circle,...

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Bankside, George Vavasour farthing

Bankside, George Vavasour farthing

Obv: (mullet)GEORGE(rosette)VAVASOVR(rosette) , shield containing Family Arms. Rev: (mullet)ON(rosette)THE(rosette)BANKE(rosette)SIDE , around cable...


Bankside, William Williams farthing

Bankside, William Williams farthing

Obv: (mullet)WILLIAM(lozenge)WILLIAMS , around cable inner circle, a plough. Rev: (mullet)ON(lozenge)THE(lozenge)BANCKSIDE , around cable inner...


Mole Strand (bankside), Abraham Williamson 1668 halfpenny

Mole Strand (bankside), Abraham Williamson 1668 halfpenny

Obv: ABRAHAM.WILLIAMSON.AT. , around cable inner circle, HIS HALFE PENY in three underscored lines with .68. below. Rev: MOVLSTRAN.ON.YEBANKSIDE. ,...


Battle Bridge, John Holland farthing token

Battle Bridge, John Holland farthing token

Obv: (mullet) IOHN(lozenge)HOLLAND(lozenge)AT , around castle. Rev: (lozenge)BATELBRIDG(lozenge)SOVTHWARK , around cable inner circle,...


Battle Bridge, Henary Haward 1652 farthing

Battle Bridge, Henary Haward 1652 farthing

Obv: (mullet)HENERY(lozenge)HAWARD , around cable inner circle, H(lozenge)H . Rev: (mullet)AT(lozenge)BATTLE(lozenge)BRIDGE , around cable inner...


Battle Bridge, L S (E) THE BROOD HEN farthing

Battle Bridge, L S (E) THE BROOD HEN farthing

Obv: (mullet)THE(lozenge)BROOD(lozenge)HEN(lozenge)BATLE , around cable inner circle, a hen sitting. Rev: (mullet)BRIDG(lozenge)IN(lozenge)SOWTHARKE...


Battle Bridge, Richard Sapp farthing

Battle Bridge, Richard Sapp farthing

Obv: (mullet)RICHARD.SAPP.AT.BATLE , around peacock, tail displayed. Rev: (mullet)BRIDG.IN.SOWTHARKE , around cable inner circle, (mullet)S(mullet)...

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Battle Bridge, Eliner White farthing

Battle Bridge, Eliner White farthing

Obv: (mullet)ELINER(lozenge)WHITE(lozenge)BATEL , around cable inner circle, seven stars. Rev: (mullet)BRIDGE(lozenge)SOVTHWARKE , around cable inner...


Bear Quay, Phillip Stower AT THE BARE farthing

Bear Quay, Phillip Stower AT THE BARE farthing

Obv: (mullet)PHILLIP(lozenge)STOWER(lozenge)AT , around cable inner circle, a chained bear. Rev:...


Bermondsey Street, W R (D) AT THE RED BVLL farthing

Bermondsey Street, W R (D) AT THE RED BVLL farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)RED(lozenge)BVLL(lozenge)IN , around bull facing laft. Rev: (mullet)BARMONDSEY(lozenge)STREET , around cable...


Bermondsey Street, I S L THE COCK AND PIE farthing

Bermondsey Street, I S L THE COCK AND PIE farthing

Obv: (rosette)THE.COCK.AND.PIE. , around cable inner circle, magpie and cock confronte. Rev: (mullet)IN.BARNABY.STREET , around cable inner circle,...


Bermondsey Street, Richard Wade farthing

Bermondsey Street, Richard Wade farthing

Obv: (mullet)RICHARD.WADE.AT.THE , around shield containing Weaver's Arms. Rev: (mullet)IN.BARNABEY .STREET , around beaded inner circle, W over R S...


Blackman Street, C H (M) AT THE BLEW BELL farthing

Blackman Street, C H (M) AT THE BLEW BELL farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)BLEW(lozenge)BELL(lozenge)IN , around cable inner circle, a bell. Rev: (mullet)BLACKMAN(lozenge)STREETE , around...


Blackman Street, John Prince farthing token

Blackman Street, John Prince farthing token

Obv: IOHN.PRINCE.IN , around a unicorn. Rev: :BLACKMAN.STRETSOVTHWARK , around beaded inner circle, (lozenge)P(lozenge) over I(lozenge)E . R & K of...


Castle Street, Richard Hodgkine farthing token

Castle Street, Richard Hodgkine farthing token

Obv: (mullet)RICHARD(lozenge)HODGKINE , around cable inner circle, boot. Rev: (mullet)CASTLE(lozenge)STRETE , around cable inner circle,...


Castle Street, Samuel Hodgkine farthing

Castle Street, Samuel Hodgkine farthing

Obv: (mullet)SAMVEL(lozenge)HODGKINE , around cable inner circle, a boot dividing S H . Rev: (mullet)IN(lozenge)CASTELL(lozenge)STREETE , around...


Counter Lane, Samuel Smith farthing

Counter Lane, Samuel Smith farthing

Obv: (cinquefoil)SAMVEL.SMITH , around cable inner circle, .S. over M.S . Rev: (cinquefoil)IN.COVNTERLANE , around cable inner circle, IN. SOVT HWAR...


Crucifix Lane, Thomas Adamsend halfpenny

Crucifix Lane, Thomas Adamsend halfpenny

Obv: (rosette)THOMAS.ADAMSEND.IN , around shield containing Baker's Arms. Rev: CRVCIFIX LANE.IN SOVTHWARK PENNY in five lines with TA/.A. below. Ex...


Crucifix Lane, Thomas Adamsand farthing

Crucifix Lane, Thomas Adamsand farthing

Obv: (mullet)THO:ADAMSAND.BAKER , around (lozenge)A(lozenge) over TA with (lozenge) below. Rev: (mullet)IN.CRVCIFIX.(mullet)LANE. , around linear...


Deadman's Place, E R (D) AT THE RED HART farthing

Deadman's Place, E R (D) AT THE RED HART farthing

Obv: (mullet)AT(lozenge)THE(lozenge)RED(lozenge)IN , around cable inner circle, hart pierced with an arrow. Rev:...


Freeman's Lane, John Stock 1667 halfpenny

Freeman's Lane, John Stock 1667 halfpenny

Obv: (sexfoil)IOHN.STOCK.1667 , around beaded inner circle, three figures standing. Rev: (sexfoil)IN.FREEMANS.LANE. , around beaded inner circle, HIS...


Horselydown, Samuell Christopher 1667 halfpenny

Horselydown, Samuell Christopher 1667 halfpenny

Obv: (sexfoil)SAMVELL.CHRISTOPHER , around beaded inner circle, shield containing Grocer's Arms. Rev: (sexfoil)AT.HORSLY.DOWNE , around beaded inner...

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Horselydown, John Collington farthing

Horselydown, John Collington farthing

Obv: (mullet)IOHN(lozenge)COLLINGTON , around a blazing star. Rev: (mullet)AT(lozenge)HORSE(lozenge)LIDOWNE , around cable inner circle,...


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